05/13/15 gymnastics cycle day two

A. Barbell snatch work: 
Reset bottom position: allow bow of the knees at the bottom set up but should drive theough quads to come up. Create swoop with bar to create upward motion. Get onto toes!!!! Inward rotation of elbows. High pull upward. No shrug. Slam your effin feet. Hard. Like some Russian. 
B1. Muscle snatch 
B2. 3-position snatch with perfect feet: 116#
Spent 45:00 snatching so I figured I should move on. 
C. 50 shoulder taps. Really fast. Got weak in the core. Did 38, then 8, then 4. 
D. Row
10:00: :35on/:25off: 1400 meters
160m/151m/153m/153m/154m/155m/155m/156m/155m/160m. HR: 156. Peak 169
Should probably aim for higher meter count. 165 average to push it. 
20:00 steady pace: 4238 meters
0-10:00 chased 2:20. Averaged 2:18. HR: 150
10:00-20:00 chased 2:15. Averaged 2:16. HR: 150
E. Mobility-central post work. Good 45:00 mobilizing. 

