Clean + FS + Jerk 1RM (5 x 2 drop sets; working speed / timing) *16 min once warmed up to 50% < 25 in total for 1RM + drop sets : 
203 as 1RM/183/173/123/123/123
Strict Press – climb to heavy 5 rep, heavy 3 rep, heavy 1 rep, in 12 minutes or so. Speed is important here. The numbers aren’t AS. Think volume  
103 for 5/113 for 3&1

Front Squats 1RM with 5 second pause in hole *15-18 min 

Clean Pulls 5 x 3 @90-95% *straps, speed positional focus, extension ; rest 2 min between 

B.10 min on bike @80% done 

C. Shoulder Health ; athlete specific done

A1. Deadlift – 223 x 3 sets @ (-2) reps here. 12/11/11

A2. Standing Box Jump x 2; HIGH; but not approaching max height. Should be NO failures ; rest 4:30 24″


3 min max calories bike test: 47 cals 

rest 9 minutes
3 minutes :15 on sprint :45 coast: 27 cals 
rest 6 min 

3 min 

:30 on hard effort :30 coast: 29 cals 

rest 3 min 

3 min max calories: 46 cals 

C. Assistance Work 

4 x 6 bent over barbell Row. . supinated Group: 121

*focus on pulling with the lats on these 


superset : banded tricep press downs 10-12 reps + banded dual curls 12-15 reps x 4-5 sets total : red band 

+ 10’s (feel free to scale to 8’s)

10 V-ups 

10 second hollow hold 

10 Butt ups
Added in five sets of ten CTBs

And hand stand holds while waiting for Tay

